Top treatments provide a unique set of practical and aesthetic window dressing solutions. Design benefits include making a room feel taller, a window seem larger, and the balance of design, color, and texture felt throughout your space. The finish of a top treatment, be it valance or cornice, finishes the design of a room in a way no other item can. Great for elevating the design of your space and providing aesthetic cover when treatments do not call for
decorative hardware.
Drapery Connection has been designing Chicagoland’s well-tailored, tasteful treatments for more than 4 four generations. Homeowners rely on us to help them make long-lasting beautiful functional choices that make any house a personal haven of comfort and enjoyment.
When it comes to style, there are no limits as to what top treatment can offer. Expert pattern making and couture-level tailoring make every top treatment a fit that is personal and right. Great top treatment style begins with some of these timeless categories:
Valances, cornices, and swags truly give your space that beautiful finished look. Give Drapery Connection a call at 630-686-7820 or fill out the form on the right to get started.